Whether you’re eager to start a new side-gig, find a part-time job or just want to get inspired about the possibilities for a fulfilling second act, these five books can help get you launched:
100 Side Hustles: Unexpected Ideas for Making Extra Money Without Quitting Your Day Job by Chris Guillebeau is a terrific read that tells the stories of “ordinary” people who’ve found clever ways to make money in the new economy. It will open you up to a multitude of ways you can generate income without working a full-time job.
Never Too Old to Get Rich: The Entrepreneurs Guide to Starting a Business Mid-Life by Kerry Hannon features interviews with 20 midlife entrepreneurs who share the challenges and lessons learned from their journeys. The book is filled with inspiring stories, practical tips, and solid advice.
Your Next Season: Advice for Executives on Transitioning from Intense Careers to Fulfilling Next Seasons by Dr. Leslie Wilk Braksick and Dr. William R. K. Innes addresses the unique challenges faced by high-powered executives transitioning into their “next season.” This highly relatable read is based on interviews with transitioning executives, as well as the author’s first-hand experiences coaching this demographic.
Retirement Reinvention: Make Your Next Act Your Best Act by Robin Ryan has plentiful advice on starting a flexible second-act career, including hobby-based businesses, temporary assignments and part-time professional gigs. There’s also an overview of volunteer and paid opportunities in the nonprofit sector.
Purpose and a Paycheck: Finding Meaning, Money and Happiness in the Second Half of Life by Chris Farrell provides an uplifting look at what he calls the “second-life revolution.” This smart read weaves together research, insights from longevity experts and interviews with successful career changers.