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Want to Make Money With Your Honey?

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Thinking about working with your partner during semi-retirement? Then you might enjoy reading Let’s Make Money Honey: The Couple’s Gide to Starting a Service Business by husband and wife team Barry Silverstein and Sharon Wood. It’s an entertaining and informative guide that offers how-to advice on each step of the entrepreneurial journey. Here are three reasons why I recommend it:

  1. The book is written for baby boomers interested in starting a small service business – exactly the type of venture most people prefer in semi-retirement.
  2. It is co-authored by a couple that’s actually run a business together. They’ve walked the walk and talked the talk – and it shows. You’ll find lots of helpful tips on how to manage the personal and professional challenges of running a business together.
  3. The authors made a conscious decision to start a short-term business as a bridge between their full-time careers and full retirement, ultimately running their biz for seven years before selling it. So if you want advice on how to both start, and sell, a short-term but profitable business, this book is right up your alley.

Finally, the book includes some very simple and practical tools – business compatibility test, skills inventory checklist, business start-up checklist, etc. – that can help you and your partner assess your compatibility and business interests.

You can learn about the book in this article 5 Reasons to Start a Business With Your Spouse

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