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Want a Second-Act Career as a Writer? 10 Resources You Can’t Afford to Miss

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Hi Nancy,

I am a technical writer who wants to continue to write into my retirement as a part time, low-stess job. I have always done a lot of personal writing for my own fulfillment and satisfaction. I actually started out writing for a free music newspaper. I have co-authored articles in the field of business process automation, a field I worked in for many years as a technical writer. Do you have any suggestions about an approach I might take to transition into a fun-filled retirement doing what I love, writing?

Ah, a question near and dear to my heart. Learning how to prosper in this new world takes time, but if you’re willing to learn, I think you’ll discover some interesting opportunities.

Here are ten resources to help:

Writers Digest: Widely regarded as the #1 resource for writers, this should be your first stop in your learning journey. A one-stop-shop for information about conferences, writer’s communities and advice on how to monetize your writing abilities. Courses, advice and freelance jobs for people interested in the media world.

FabJob Guides: FabJob publishes a variety of e-guides and courses on how to profit as a writer. I have a number of clients that have used them and found them very helpful which is why I am an affiliate of theirs. Gotham Writers’ Workshop is the leading creative writing school in New York City and they now offer some outstanding courses online. If you’re interested in learning about the craft of writing this is the site for you. Darren Rowse’s book, Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a  Six-Figure Income should be required reading for anyone interested in this subject. His website is also an outstanding resource for learning about the business of blogging.

Travel Writing 2.0 is a blog that explores how to earn a living as a travel writer in the digital age.

The Well-Fed Writer: Advice, resources and training in people interested in writing for the business and corporate markets.

The Write Life: A great new site that has lots of advice for writers interested in learning more about how to thrive in the digital world.

How to Become a Novelist in Your Second Career: This is an article I wrote for that has a number of helpful tips and resources for aspiring novelists.

Make a Living Writing: As the name implies, this site dishes out advice for people looking to monetize their writing. Solid tips and helpful resources.

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25 Questions To Help YOU Identify Your Ideal Second Act. You'll also receive my free newsletter filled with second-act ideas, tools and inspiration.

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