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Hope to Self-Publish in Retirement? 5 Must-Read Posts

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If you’ve been thinking about writing a book during retirement, you might want to consider self-publishing. With just a little bit of research, you’ll find that there are now several cost-effective and relatively easy-to-use services designed to help you take your ideas from concept to print. Here are five posts I think you’ll find will make the journey easier:

1. How to Self-Publish Your Book on Amazon ( Wonderful overview of the options for publishing on Amazon. This article features input from Paul Jarvis, a web designer and author of four successful self-published books.

2. How My Book Become a (Self-Published) Best Seller ( Interesting read about how and why a seasoned writer opted to go down the self-publishing road, and the various positive outcomes of that decision.

3. Appeal of Writing Memoirs Grows, as Do Publishing Options ( Many retirees hope to write their memoirs, whether to share just with family or with a wider audience. This article contains information about a number of helpful resources and classes for memoir writers.

4. How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book? 4 Authors Share Their Numbers ( This is an invaluable read that details the costs of self-publishing a book, which can include editing, cover design, production and photography costs, among others.

5. Self-Publishing (website of Alexis Grant). This is actually a link to a collection of posts by Alexis Grant. Whether you’re interested in publishing a book, or prefer to start small with e-booklets, Alexis offers must-read advice. She has a bucketload of helpful resources on this site, as well as on her other site, (see #4 above).

Happy writing!

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