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Nancy’s Book:

Second-Act Careers

50+Ways to Profit from your passions during semi-retirement

Praise for Second-Act Careers

A terrific resource to lead you right into a realm of possibilities for what you might like to do when you ‘retire’ but still want, or need, to work.” —

“One of my favorite books about retirement is Second-Act Careers.” – Glenn Ruffenach, The Wall Street Journal

“One of the hardest parts of a career change or job hunt is figuring out what all your options are and then intelligently evaluating them. In this invaluable guide, career coach Nancy Collamer shows that transforming your passions into profits after leaving your full-time job can be easier (and more fun) than you think! Filled with inspirational stories, pragmatic advice, and tested resources, this book is the ultimate here-is-how-you-do-it guide to earning an income on a flexible basis during your semi-retirement years.”  Susan Joyce, publisher and editor,

“With ‘retirement’ being threatened, Second-Act Careers will become the recognized lifeline for those seeking income, newly defined meaning, and purpose in their lives.” Dan Miller, author and life coach,


Second-Act Careers in the Media:

NextAvenue (PBS) How to Create a Profitable Second-Act Career

Forbes 5 Second-Act Careers to Sail Through Retirement

Forbes 5 Books to Pack for Spring Break

Forbes 5 Great Resources to Help You Brainstorm New Career Directions

MarketWatch Creating Your Retirement Vision

NPR (Marketplace Money) Semi-Retirement: Getting a Second-Act Career

NY Post 60 Seconds with Nancy Collamer

USA TODAY Boomers Turn to Encore Careers After Retiring

US News and World Report 10 Great Retirement Books

US News and World Report 10 Reasons to Avoid Retirement

Wall Street Journal Advice on Living the Good Life in Retirement